Els mitjons Molfort's
i la publicitat racional
Given the success of the 'Molfort's socks and rational advertising' exhibition, Mataró Museum contact us again to design this catalogue, in which the writer Julià Guillamon and Jordi Duró, with the complicity of the Museum of Mataró, managed to reconstruct and document the history of Molfort's. The recovery of hundreds of unpublished materials is now presented in an exciting story that conveys the enthusiasm and daring of the pioneers of industry and advertising in Catalonia.
i la publicitat racional
Given the success of the 'Molfort's socks and rational advertising' exhibition, Mataró Museum contact us again to design this catalogue, in which the writer Julià Guillamon and Jordi Duró, with the complicity of the Museum of Mataró, managed to reconstruct and document the history of Molfort's. The recovery of hundreds of unpublished materials is now presented in an exciting story that conveys the enthusiasm and daring of the pioneers of industry and advertising in Catalonia.
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Dado el éxito de la exposición Molfort’s: els mitjons i la publicitat racional' el Museu de Mataró vuelve a contactar con Duró para hacer este catálogo en el que el escritor Julià Guillamon y Jordi Duró, con la complicidad del Museo de Mataró reconstruyen y documentan la historia de Molfort's. La recuperación de centenares de material inédito se presenta a través de un relato que trasmite el entusiasmo y el atrevimiento de los pioneros de la industria y de la publicidad en Cataluña.
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